Community Pages

 Worlds Beyond Words Chronicles YouTube

Where Imagination Finds a Voice

"Worlds Beyond Words Chronicles" is my channel where I unveil a universe of original tales. Immerse yourself in a world where stories come to life, each intricately crafted by me, Justin N.

With a blend of technology and creativity, my stories are narrated by AI voices, lending an otherworldly quality to the narratives. Sound effects, meticulously edited by myself, breathe life into every tale. If it's a video you're watching, rest assured, the visual elements are also personally edited to ensure a seamless and immersive experience.

Every aspect of this channel, from writing to editing, is a labor of love. Here, you'll find a diverse range of genres, including sci-fi, horror, and fantasy, offering a captivating escape from the mundane.

Join the journey into my tales on "Worlds Beyond Words Chronicles," don't miss out—subscribe today and let your imagination soar!

Our community Discord is an integral part of Worlds Beyond Words Chronicles.

WokenDSCRD is the home of WRLD's many intersecting communities.

Welcome to WokenDSCRD, the central hub that houses various vibrant communities curated by Justin N. (WRLD). Within this digital realm, you'll discover a multitude of engaging spaces, each tailored to cater to specific interests and passions.

WokenWRLD - Community Name: Woken Warriors (Gaming Content):

Immerse yourself in the realm of gaming with Woken Warriors, a community dedicated to the exhilarating world of digital adventures. From multiplayer quests to strategy discussions, WokenWRLD is the go-to destination for gamers seeking camaraderie and shared experiences.

WRLD Interests (Educational Content):

For the intellectually curious, WRLD Interests is the haven of educational content. Delve into insightful discussions, acquire knowledge across a spectrum of subjects, and engage with a community that shares a passion for continuous learning.

Worlds Beyond Words Chronicles (Creative Writing and Stories):

Experience the magic of storytelling with Worlds Beyond Words Chronicles. This community is the creative haven where Justin N. (WRLD) crafts imaginative narratives and invites fellow enthusiasts to explore the limitless possibilities of written expression. Whether you are a writer or an avid reader, this is the space where stories come to life.

It's important to note that while WokenDSCRD is the epicenter for these communities, Justin N. (WRLD) pursues other professional interests that are hosted elsewhere. Each community under the WokenDSCRD umbrella offers a unique experience, fostering connections among like-minded individuals who share a common passion.

Feel free to explore, engage, and become an integral part of these communities. Your presence enriches the collective experience, making WokenDSCRD a dynamic and thriving digital space.

Due to the expansive array of interests and ongoing tasks, please be advised that the Discord server is presently under heavy development, as Justin N. (WRLD) strives to create a dynamic and comprehensive space that caters to the diverse needs of the communities within WokenDSCRD.


Below Are Active Podcast Links for Worlds Beyond Words Chronicles ( Updated as Availability Changes):

YouTube, YouTube Music, YouTube Podcasts:

Spotify Podcasts:

Amazon Music:

Apple Podcast:

Currently Unavailable


Google Podcasts:

No Longer Unavailable



Currently Unavailable

Pocket Casts:

Currently Unavailable


Community Pages © 2024 by Justin N. (WRLD) is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

Temporal Anomalies: A Rift in Time

Official Narration (To Be Released on  Spotify  03/15/2024 00:00 CST) In the heart of the lush, verdant hills, where the symphony of nature ...